Excitement is building for a centennial weekend to be held in July next year by Hampstead Rugby Club.
Club president Jim Henderson said over the 100-year life time of the club, there had been many generations of families playing and involved behind the scenes.
At the same time, the club had a strong focus on providing a welcoming community for new arrivals to Mid Canterbury. A growing number of Pacific Island families now call the club home.
The club had grown in numbers, and prior to the centennial a $100,000 upgrade of the club building was planned.
‘‘With a growth, especially in the junior grades, and more families gathering for kai after the games, the club realises there is a need to extend the kitchen to assist with the catering and make it more functional,’’ Henderson said.
Alongside this, there would be a reduction in the size of the bar.
This was in response to changes in drinking patterns, and because club members wanted to emphasise the club’s family focus.
‘‘Our values of fun, family and respect has helped the club grow and prosper over recent years,’’ he said.

Henderson said he and wife Tracey, who is club treasurer, represented one of the many families who had been involved with the club.
‘‘Our blended family have all played a wee bit for the club, and also been involved in administration, coaching and volunteering,’’ Henderson said.
Tracey is the driving force behind the alterations.
‘‘The main fundraiser for the alterations is the raffling of a 2024 Nissan Qashqui along with three other prizes. The raffle is expected to generate about $40k,’’ Tracey said.
‘‘With the club centennial next year this has motivated us to do the upgrade to the original clubrooms that was built in 1978,’’ Tracey said.
The social area of the club rooms in Bridge St were added in 1989 following the club winning Lotto.
Hampstead Rugby is one of five sports that make up the Hampstead Rugby and All Sports Club.
The others are netball, hockey, softball and lawn bowls.

The club rooms are used by not only sports groups but in recent years the club has provided its rooms at 44 Bridge St for vaccination clinics, health and emergency days.
– Hampstead Rugby Club weekend of 100-year celebrations will kick off on the Friday evening of July 4. Attendees will share memories and catch up with those they have worked and played alongside.
On Saturday, games of rugby across the grades from juniors to seniors will be held, followed by a reunion dinner in the evening with a speaker. On Sunday people will be able to watch a golden oldies game of rugby.
Tickets for the car raffle are $25 each, and available from winacar.co.nz or Tracey on 0274058064.