Andrew’s loyalty recognised

CARING: Andrew Rankin has been recognised for 25 years service to Ashburton Countdown.
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Rain, hail, sleet or shine, Andrew Rankin has undertaken his job as a supermarket trolley assistant year in and year out.

A quarter century of service in the role at Ashburton Countdown, Peter St, has recently been recognised, with presentation of a 25 Year Club certificate from his employer of Woolworths Group.

‘‘The weather doesn’t worry me, as long as I look at the weather forecast and plan my day, I’m okay,’’ the 58-year-old said. Clothing of a wide-brim hat and sunglasses helped on hot days, while gum boots and gloves helped on wet and cold days.

‘‘Actually I have worked through the snow, ACL pushed all the snow to one side so I could put the trolleys in,’’ he said.

Rankin said he enjoyed the physical task of getting trolleys from the trolley bays, stropping them together and delivering them back to the supermarket building.

‘‘I have got it down to a fine art,’’ he said.

He also enjoyed the social side of the job.

‘‘I like everybody, I like seeing people, saying hello to people.’’

And he enjoyed going the extra mile, sometimes helping shoppers get heavy bags and boxes into their vehicles.

‘‘Countdown is in the middle of town, and some people are older and I say to myself ‘I had better give people a hand’. I have just got a wee bit of a caring side.’’

And like many dedicated supermarket employees, he had worked throughout the tough times of the pandemic, when supermarkets were essential services.

‘‘I sort of perservered, but one drawback was when it comes to sunglasses. Sunglasses and face masks don’t mix, because they fog up.’’

He said he felt honoured to get the award. He valued loyalty, so was proud to have been loyal to his employer. He had worked there 27 years. Presentation of the award was delayed to just recently due to the pandemic.

As well as his job at Countdown, which he undertakes two days a week, Rankin does voluntary work once a week at the Ashburton Museum, sweeping outside the building.

Rankin is also a valued member of the Ashburton Mackenzie Group. Co-ordinator Lynda Tayles said the group was proud of Rankin’s award, and had no doubt it was well-deserved.

‘‘We can vouch when we go to Countdown, we have witnessed first-hand what a great job he does.’’