Bake My Day show of support

St Joseph students with homemade baking and cards they made for a previous Bake my Day project.
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Following the past success of Bake My Day a few years ago, Safe Families coordinator Anna Arrowsmith is again coordinating such an event in time for Elder Abuse Awareness Week.

The community is being invited to do some baking which will be given to older people in the community, Anna said.

‘‘Any home baking, biscuits, cakes, slices, loaves, muffins would be appreciated.’’

Baking can be dropped off to Safe Families at Community House, 44 Cass Street Ashburton next week from Monday to Wednesday.

‘‘We would like to show the older people in our community that we value and respect them. By baking and dropping it off to them we can show our appreciation for their contribution to our community over the years by making their day.

‘‘It’s a good way of sayingthank you with some home-goodies – baking and a card,’’ Anna said.

People are able to nominate older folks who may appreciate some baking and nominations can be made to Anna.

The Office for Seniors say as many as one in 10 older people in New Zealand will experience some kind of elder abuse, but most abuse isn’t recognised or is ignored.

Elder abuse can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences.

Age Concern New Zealand say ‘‘elder abuse is prevalent in New Zealand but often not reported. But we can all play our part inspeaking up, so older Kiwis can be free from the fear, mental anguish, emotional pain, and distress the elder abuse causes.

‘‘The impact of elder abuse is profound for older people, but also avoidable if they get help and intervention services early.

‘‘It is a myth to think that elder abuse is not family violence – it is!

‘‘And like any family violence,we all need to step up and call it out and report it when we see or suspect it.’’

To make a nominationof an older resident of Ashburton toreceive some of the baking during Bake My Day, or any questions contact Anna Arrowsmith ph 0277223204.