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Businesses are encouraged to decorate their windows with tartan and all things Scottish in support of the New Zealand Highland Dance Championships Highland and National competitions in Ashburton next week.

About 250 dancers from throughout New Zealand will compete in the nationals at the Ashburton Event Centre from July 5 to July 8.

Among the 20 dancers from the Julie Hawke School of Dance in Ashburton are seniors Hayley Nolan, 18, who will compete in the open section and Leah Maw, 17, who will compete in the under 18 category.

Both danced in the national competition the last time it was held in Ashburton in 2015, and are expecting this year’s event to be just as challenging and exciting.

‘‘In the lead up to the nationals we are putting in extra work in order to be at our best,’’ Hayley said.

The pair expect sore muscles after the three-day competition which will see them each do 10 dances including the Highland Fling, sword dance, Irish Jig Single Time, Irish Jig Double Time, Irish Hornpipe, Irish Reel and Sailors Hornpipe.

They agreed the pleasure they get out of dancing comes from learning with friends and finding new friends at competitions.

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: Ashburton dancers (from left) Hayley Nolan, 18, Leah Maw, 17, and Briar Prendergast, 13, rehearse for the New Zealand Highland Dance Championships Highland and National competitions.

‘‘While we are competitors we are close with the other dancers, they are like family,’’ Leah said.

The pair also enjoy the physical side of dancing, and include trips to the gym to build on their dance fitness.

Along with regular lessons in Ashburton, they do once or twice a week trips to Christchurch for lessons with Julie Hawke.

Ashburton Highland and National Dancing Association committee member Bridget Prendergast urged members of the public to come along and watch the Ashburton dancers competing.

At the event the youngest competing is five years-old through to dancers in their mid 20s.

‘‘Julie Hawke was keen for Ashburton Highland and National Dancing Association to host the nationals so put her hand up for us to do it. It is a lot of work for the committee of nearly 20, with not only the long days but organising four to five pipers, stage chaperones, scribes to work with the judges and many behind the scenes,’’ Prendergast said.

At the end of the competition after the prize giving a celebration dinner will be held.

  • * New Zealand Highland Dance Championships Highland and National competitions at Ashburton Event Centre on July 5, 8am – 5.45pm; July 6, 8am- 9.15pm (with senior section opening ceremony 1pm); July 7, 8am-7.30pm; July 8, 8am-5pm. Free entry.
COMPETITION: Ready to take on other Irish dancers from around New Zealand at the Ashburton Highland and National Dancing Association competition are Ashburton dancers Leah Maw (left) and Hayley Nolan.