Sunflower heaven at Elgin

DOG FRIENDLY: Mum Sara Peacock (right) and mini dachshund Lulu in the sunflowers with 13-year-old Abi and eight-year-old Dougie, holding mini dachshund Tigger. PHOTO TONI WILLIAMS
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Big and bright yellow sunflowers are beckoning visitors to Sunnydales Farm at Elgin, as open days begin today.

Sara and Roger Peacock are offering members of the public a chance to roam among the sun-loving flowers at their lifestyle block, helping raise money for charity at the same time.

They held the open days last year for the first time. Once again, visitors are encouraged to walk, sit and take photos among the 1.5m to 2m tall crop, and pick their own to take home. They can also take a picnic.

This year there is a new initiative, a dog-friendly session.

Entry is $5 per adult, while each stem purchased costs $3, with $1 from every stem sold to go to Diabetes Youth Canterbury.

Sara said the charity had been valuable to the whole family since the couple’s eldest daughter, Gracie, was diagnosed in 2022. It supports families, as well as organising gatherings and a family camp for members.

At Sunnydales Farm, Gracie and her three siblings help with sowing and watering, then welcoming people through the gates.

Sara said about 50,000 sunflowers were planted in November, although only half had taken. Then the season had been delayed because of wet, sunless days.

“They need good sun. They love the sun,” Sara said.

Despite the weather, there were now thousands of sunflowers standing tall in their field for the next couple of weeks waiting to put a smile on people’s faces.

It was put to the test earlier this week when, encouraged by recent fundraising efforts of Charlotte’s Army in The Long Run for the Child Cancer Foundation, the Peacocks opened their farm gates for a special early viewing.

About 25 people turned up, which raised $250 for the Child Cancer Foundation, Sara said.

The sunflowers currently in bloom were a ProCut variety, used by florists and pollenfree.

Other varieties expected to be ready in coming weeks included Vincent’s Choice and Moulin Rouge.

– Sunflower viewings daily at Sunnydales Farm, 226 Cochranes Rd, Elgin, start today from 4pm, and include a late-night dog-friendly session Friday tomorrow. Dogs to be on lead. Updated times will be posted on the Sunnydales Farm Facebook page.