Volunteer service recognised

CELEBRATING SERVICE: Members of the Methven branch of Red Cross (from left) Susan Dickson, Wendy Protheroe, Joan Dolan, Zella McGirr, Methven Red Cross president Mary Kermode, Vivienne Lamb, Cathy Ross and Shirley Lucas. PHOTO SNOWFED NEWSPAPER, METHVEN
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Loyal and dedicated service by Methven Red Cross branch members Vivienne Lamb and Zella McGirr was recently recognised.

For over 45 years Lamb and McGirr have supported the work of the Red Cross and helped out across many areas of the organisation.

Lamb and McGirr wer presented with their 40 year long servcie awards and certificates at a special afernoon tea attended by members of the Red Cross Area Council.

McGirr and Lamb joined the Red Cross when they were young mums and new to Methven.

Lamb said she wanted to get involved in things outside of her children.

“I have really enjoyed the fellowship and companionship of all the wonderful people I have met over the years, Lamb said.

This is the first time she has received a service award having previously turned them down.

“I don’t volunteer to be recognised. I do it because I enjoy helping others, she said.

McGirr too wanted to get to meet people as she was new.

“I’m community minded and the Red Cross is such a great organisaion to be part of. I have met some great people through by volunteering with the Red Cross,” McGirr said.

Lamb works in the Red Cross shop helping to sort the variety of goods donated. She takes great pride in helping with the appearance of the shop doing the dusting, sweeping, window cleaning and vacuuming.

Over her time with Red Cross she has attended Anzac Day services on their behalf, been a regular at the former Red Rose day fundraisers as well as assisting with other fundraisers.

Her long service citation described Lamb as a hard working and valued member.

McGirr too has helped in the shop, at the Red Rose day and attended Anzac Day services.

She has held a number of roles in the branch, regionally and a national position serving on the national council for a year.

Along with these roles McGirr had been the branch secretary and treasurer, served on the Area Council, been on the local co-ordinating committee, been the representative on the Emergency Civil Defence committee for Methven, helped with the annual collections, sold raffle tickets, helped with the displays at the A&P show, been part of blood bank and is still on the committee that runs the shop.

In 2015 when Red Cross celebrated their 100th anniversary McGirr was the area chairwoman for the committee that organised the centennial celebrations in Mid Canterbury.

Her long service citation described McGirr’s knowledge of Red Cross yesterday and today as very valuable for new members to the Methven branch.

Other members who received service awards were Susan Dickson and Joan Dolan (20 years), Shirley Lucan, Sandra Harnett, Kathy Ross and Huia Campbell (10 years), Wendy Protheroe, Nicola McDowell, Mary Kermode, Jan Dynes and Helena Eddy (5 years).

While all the other branches of Red Cross in Mid Canterbury have closed both women think the reason Methven continues to be strong and have a good membership is the shop.

The branch has a clear focus and the shops bond and unites the members to work for a cause they passionately believe in.