Ashburton Intermediate school pupil Harriet Reed and her brother, Ashburton Borough School student Thomas Reed, know exactly how far the moon is away from earth and they are aiming for it.
Harriet, who is nearly 12, and Thomas, 10, are shooting 384 goals each as part of the Cancer Society national fundraiser Shoot for the Moon.
‘‘The aim is to shoot 384 goals because the moon is 384,000 km away from the Earth,’’ Thomas said. As well as shooting goals each person taking part is also aiming to raise $384, for the Cancer Society.
Each participant in the fundraiser, which began at the beginning of June chooses what sport they will do. Harriet is shooting netball hoops and ‘‘since I have been taking part in this I haven’t missed a goal in my Saturday netball games.’’ While Thomas started shooting netball hoops he has since moved to kicking soccer goals.
The Shoot for the Moon fundraiser began in North Canterbury last year and this year has gone nationwide. Harriet and Thomas took part last year and Harriet said, ‘‘we have learnt we need to pace ourselves.’’ The children have a chart on the fridge they mark off when the complete so many hoops and they already have over 80 as ‘‘we aim for 20-30 a day,’’ Harriet said.
They both enjoy taking part ‘‘because it’s fun’’ said Harriet and for Thomas he takes part ‘‘because Granddad (Alistair Argyle) is the national president of the Cancer Society.’’

The Argyle and Reed family got involved in the Cancer Society because of the wonderful care and support members of the family had received from the society. Helping and supporting the Cancer Society is a family thing with many members of the family taking part and supporting the society’s work.
‘‘It’s not too late to sign up and get aiming for those goals,’’ Ashburton Cancer Society community engagement manager Aimee Cosgrove said. To take part in the Shoot for the Moon fundraiser go to the website or talk to Amy.
The Cancer Society helps and supports anyone and their family with any kind of cancer through their cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
By taking part in Shoot for the Moon, fundraisers are helping to ensure cancer patients get the free care and practical support they need; from accommodation when undergoing cancer treatment far from home, to assistance from supportive care staff, and help to get to and from treatment.
The Cancer Society also funds cancer research and raises awareness about ways to reduce cancer risk such as being SunSmart and Smokefree.
The fundraiser has raised $5699 from 31 players who have taken 2,558 shots taken so far!
If you want to support Harriet and Thomas in reaching their goal of $384 donations can be made by visiting www. fundraisers/janeargyle-reed/ shoot-for-the-moon-2023