Triple skating success

TOP OF THE FIELD: Skateboarder Connor McKenzie, and scootering brothers Cooper (centre) and Harrison Crofsky, of Methven.
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Three Methven boys have had their skateboarding and scootering dreams boosted by competition success.

Eleven-year-old Connor McKenzie, 12-year-old Harrison Crofsky and his brother 10-year-old Cooper last month entered the annual Timaru Youth Collective Skate-O-Rama.

The trio have been developing their skills at the Methven Skate Park on the corner of Bank St and McMillan St, over the past 18 months.

There were different age categories at the competition.

Each competitor was given one minute to freestyle and do as many tricks as possible across the ramps and rails, while judges look for the best trick and overall performance to determine the winner.

Connor was equal first place in skateboarding, Cooper was first place in scootering and Harrison was third in the seniors scootering category.

AIR TIME: Connor McKenzie gets some air during the recent Skate-O-Rama.

This was a fantastic achievement for all three boys and collectively they all said skating is all they want to do at the moment, and they have dreams of going pro someday.

“It would be really cool for a competition to be held in Methven one day,” Harrison said.