Fabric and craft bazaar is on

Altruza’s Helen Hooper and members sort items for the bazaar.
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The Altrusa Club is holding its major fundraising event for the year – a fabric and craft bazaar.

People have been leaving fabric and craft related items in collection boxes around town.

Altrusa member and bazaar coordinator Helen Hooper said they have a team sorting the items. ‘‘It is anything from buttons to zips, furnishing fabric, wool, teddy bears, patterns even a stand for a loom.

‘‘We just had a wedding veil which the girls have been doing up nicely.’’

All the funds raised go to local causes including the Life Education Trust, refugee settlement and scouts holiday programme.

Helen said the first bazaar was held in 2014, and this is the first in two years due to covid.

Altrusa is a women’s service group with a membership of 44.

Helen said this year they are planning Magic Mums Day which is pampering for mothers of children with special needs.

‘‘We’ve also done a Carers Day which is for people who are home caring, it gives them a day out, we take them out for lunch and other activities,’’ she said.

Any donated items can be left in collection boxes at Resene ColorShop on Burnett Street and at Smith & Church.

The Altrusa Fabric and Craft Bazaar is on March 25 at the Sinclair Centre from 9am to 4pm.