Health and wellbeing focus at marae

Hakatere Marae’s Michelle Brett (left) and Liz Carrick helping organise this weekend’s health and wellbeing day.
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Hakatere Marae is holding a Hauora (health and wellbeing) Day this weekend and everyone is welcome.

Hakatere committee chair Michelle Brett and committee member Liz Carrick said the marae wanted to address the health concerns and what they can do to improve health.

‘‘The idea is to get people out to the marae to have checks with the different groups that will be involved with us,’’ Michelle said.

There will be nutritionist cooking demonstrations, kidney, diabetes and blood pressure check ups, miri miri (massage), representatives from Pegasus and Waitaha and health navigators.

Liz said the health navigators are there to help people through the process, if they are unsure of it.

‘‘A lot of people don’t trust the health care or have a problem with it, so to have a navigator, somebody who stands beside you and walks you through the process of understanding why you need to see the specialist, why you need to take the medication,’’ she said.

Liz said it is important for people to have good health literacy. ‘‘If people are having regular checkups it saves the health system money and by being preventive and increasing health literacy then we are going to improve outcomes.’’

She said one of the problems is a lot of people can’t get into doctors in Ashburton.

‘‘There is a real problem with access to primary health care, so this is something to acknowledge that there’s an issue that primary health care is a problem for a lot of people in our community.’’ Michelle said the marae plans to have a Hauora Day every second month. ‘‘Our long term goal is to have a different theme each time, for example in November having a tane (male) focused Hauora Day, so getting services that is specifically for men.’’

Wahine (women) and tamariki (children) focused days are also planned.

There will be lucky dips and giveaways on the day including legs of lamb, goodie bags, movie tickets and food vouchers.

Kids will be entertained with games and activities and there will be a free shuttle from town available.

‘‘So we are trying to remove any barriers to coming, so childcare and transport are covered,’’ Michelle said.

There will be free kai available with a bbq, tea and scones.

Liz said the event will use the health model developed by Professor Mason Durie called Te Whare Tapa Wha ¯.

‘‘It is a holistic approach to health, there are four pillars to that, there is Tinana which is your physical health, Wha ¯nau which is your family and friends, Hinengaro is your social and emotional wellbeing and Wairua your spiritual wellbeing, that is a very holistic way of looking at ourselves, it is what this is all about we’re embracing every aspect.’’

The Houora Day is on Saturday at Hakatere Marae, 11am to 2pm.

Free shuttle available corner of East and Peter street at 10.45am, 11.45am and 12.45pm.